Household Energy Upgrades Fund

From double glazing to variable speed pool pumps, Australian households can now access discounted green finance for energy upgrades

Household Energy Upgrades Fund

The Australian Government's $1 billion Household Energy Upgrades Fund targets existing homes, many of which were not subject to modern energy efficiency building standards at the time they were built. 

The program can help homeowners unlock a range of upgrades to help reduce their energy consumption and make their home more comfortable.

Finance may be used for:

  • renovations
  • energy upgrades of one or multiple technologies at the same time
  • knock-down rebuild properties and energy-efficient appliances

Eligible technology and associated accrediting body

Variable speed pool pump

Variable speed pool pump

Product / InstallationAccrediting body
Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules

For products - Clean Energy Council

For installers - Solar Accreditation Australia


For products - Clean Energy Council

For installers - Solar Accreditation Australia


For products - Clean Energy Council

For installers - Solar Accreditation Australia

Solar hot water system

Clean Energy Regulator

Essential Services Commission

 (NSW and Vic)

Hot water heat pump

Clean Energy Regulator

Essential Services Commission

 (NSW and Vic)

Double glazed windowsAustralian Glass & Window Association
InsulationEnergy Efficiency Council
Air conditionerAustralian Refrigeration Council
Ceiling fanAny installation involving electrical work must be installed by an electrician with a current electrical license for the relevant state or territory.
Electric vehicle (EV) chargerAny installation involving electrical work must be installed by an electrician with a current electrical license for the relevant state or territory.
Energy monitoring systemAny installation involving electrical work must be installed by an electrician with a current electrical license for the relevant state or territory.
Pool pumpAny installation involving electrical work must be installed by an electrician with a current electrical license for the relevant state or territory.
Induction cooktopAny installation involving electrical work must be installed by an electrician with a current electrical license for the relevant state or territory.

Eligibility criteria

  • The Household Energy Upgrades Fund is open to households with or without a mortgage, rental property owners, and strata properties.
  • Upgrades are available for existing homes or knock-down/rebuild.
  • High value properties are excluded (speak to your lender for further details).
  • Products, installations and technologies must meet eligibility and evidence requirements.