Tropical Cyclone Alfred

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Crabs of the Bokarina Wallum and Foreshore

Crab sculptures are inspired by one of our most recognisable coastal crustaceans, the Mud Crab.

Crabs of the Bokarina Wallum and Foreshore

The crab sculptures are inspired by one of our most recognisable coastal crustaceans, the Mud Crab, which can be found along the entire Queensland coast in sheltered estuaries, tidal flats and rivers lined with mangroves. The Bokarina Wallum, dune and beach zones are also home to many more crustaceans and molluscs including, crayfish and shellfish. In the Wallum lagoons you can find the Swamp Crayfish. On the beach live our Sand crabs and Ghost crabs – you can see them darting to and from their nest holes in search of food but always with on keen lookout for predators! Also on the beach, and on the receding tide you might see the tell-tale signs of the breathing tubes of the Pipi, a shellfish (mollusc) that was an important food source for First Nations people. They have two shells joined by a hinge. You will find many of the shells of these animals scattered along the high tide mark.

How many orange crabs can you find them in the park? Take selfie a photo with them and share with your friends.

Did you know? Female Mud crabs are protected and cannot be caught or eaten!

Discover more about our native animal species or get involved in conservation on the Sunshine Coast.