Tropical Cyclone Alfred

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Reptiles of the Bokarina Wallum and Foreshore

New sculptural snakes are harmless and would love to have you sit by them.

Reptiles of the Bokarina Wallum and Foreshore

These new sculptural snakes are harmless and would love to have you sit by them and see their motley skin up close. The Bokarina Wallum, dune and beach zones are home to many wonderful reptiles including, lizards, frogs, snakes and turtles. November to May is the nesting season for Loggerhead turtles and the females come ashore to lay their eggs in the dunes well above the high tide mark. The Wallum zone behind the beach and dunes is the home for frogs such as the Wallum Froglet and the Wallum Rocket frog. Other reptiles such as the Lace Monitor (Goanna), the Carpet Snake (or Carpet Python) and many other smaller lizards and snakes also live in the Wallum zone.

How many of the motley snake sculptures can you find?  Take a selfie photo with them and share with your friends.

Did you know?  Sunshine Coast is also home to around 20 snake species and luckily only 8 are dangerously venomous!

Discover more about our native animal species or get involved in conservation on the Sunshine Coast.