Get your garden abuzz with native beekeeping masterclass

Learn about keeping native bees from expert beekeeper Ann Ross, taste native bee honey and enjoy a honey-inspired morning tea.

Get your garden abuzz with native beekeeping masterclass

Can you be a native beekeeper? Better bee-lieve it, with this hands-on workshop to set your garden buzzing and the native honey flowing.

Native bee expert and Hive Haven founder Ann Ross will guide participants through the knowledge required to leap into a world of beekeeping, with tastings of native bee honey to sweeten the deal.

Participants will learn about:

  • The foundations of beekeeping
  • Native bee species
  • The plants and conditions required for native bees to thrive on your property.
A spiral shaped beehive with native Australian bees.

Educator Robyn Cook of the Kitchen Garden Teacher will be on hand to provide a honey-inspired morning tea.

Save the Date

  • WHEN: Sunday, October 7, 2023, 9.30am-12pm
  • WHERE: The MET, Corner First Ave and South Sea Islander Way, Maroochydore
  • COST: Tickets are $12.90 including morning tea. Bookings are essential online

This event is held in partnership with Living Smart, a Sunshine Coast Council program encouraging and empowering the community on its sustainability journey.

For more information or to book tickets, visit the event page.

About Ann Ross

Ann is a leader in agricultural innovation, with a string of awards, and the Co-founder and Managing Director of Hive Haven, an internationally recognised company, specialising in Australian stingless native bee products.

She is a farmer and entrepreneur with a passion for bees and smart farming technology.

Ann's vision is to help farmers produce high value export quality products including honey and propolis while safeguarding their pollination capacity.

Want to hear about more events and tips for living sustainably in our Sunshine Coast Bisophere? Visit the Living Smart website and remember to subscribe for the latest updates.

This article Get your garden abuzz with native beekeeping masterclass has been supplied from the OurSC website and has been published here with permission.