Statement Sunshine Coast Council CEO: Craig Matheson’s departure

A statement by Sunshine Coast Council CEO re Craig Matheson’s departure.

Statement Sunshine Coast Council CEO: Craig Matheson’s departure

It is with a sense of sadness that Sunshine Coast Council announces the resignation of Group Executive Civic Governance Craig Matheson.

After nearly 14 years working for Council, our respected and trusted colleague Craig Matheson has decided to chart a new path in his career.

Craig has been a highly valued member of Council’s Executive Leadership team and has been a significant contributor to many region-shaping Council projects, including the Sunshine Coast Airport, the development of the Maroochydore City Centre, Council’s role in the candidate bid for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Council’s Regional Economic Development Strategy.

More recently, Craig has led significant positive transformation of Council’s Civic Governance function. Craig has built and fostered a team of highly talented, professional, and caring group of people who have achieved much together and embody each one of Council’s values.

On behalf of all at Sunshine Coast Council, we congratulate Craig on his significant achievements during his time at Council and wish him well for the years ahead.

Emma Thomas

Chief Executive Officer

This article Statement Sunshine Coast Council CEO: Craig Matheson’s departure has been supplied from the OurSC website and has been published here with permission.