Unlock new skills at your library

If you would like to improve your technology skills, make sure you head to one of the free Tech Tutorials at Sunshine Coast Council’s library branches.

Unlock new skills at your library

If you would like to improve your technology skills, make sure you head to one of the free Tech Tutorials at Sunshine Coast Council’s library branches.

Community Programs Portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said whether we liked it or not technology had become a big part of our everyday lives.

“The rapid advancements in technology can make it difficult to keep up but council’s libraries have the answer,” Cr McKay said.

“Residents may not be aware that our library branches offer a range of free tech tutorials suitable for beginners right through to those more advanced.

“If you are unsure how to get the best out of your computer or you want to discover new skills for customising and interacting with your iPad there is a tutorial to suit.

“So don’t hesitate any longer, make sure you book into one of our tech tutorials today. The tutorials are run by a range of wonderful volunteers who will work at your own pace, whether it be in a group or in a one-on-one session.”

One of the computer volunteers sharing his expert skills is Brian Machin, from Landsborough, who assists people at the Beerwah Library.

Brian has been a computer tutor at Beerwah Library since his retirement in 2012.

“I really enjoy my volunteer role at Beerwah library as it is a very friendly place, well-used by the community and a great group of staff,” he said.

“I have a vast background in communications and IT and felt I could share my experience with the community.

“Volunteering is my way of finally being able to give back to the community – something that is somewhat difficult when you work full time.

“The benefits of being a tutor are seeing clients learn and grow, being unafraid of their device and having a go. I also meet some wonderful people.

“I have seen people come to me with their laptop/phone/tablet still in the box as they have been too confronted to even turn their device on.

“After a few sessions I see them return, using their new found knowledge and beginning to stretch themselves. This is very rewarding.

“I would like to see more volunteers with the broad range of my skill sets as there is definitely a need for this knowledge to be available for our community.”

To book a session, head to council’s library website or call 5475 8989.