Printmaking with the sun

School holiday workshops | 24 Sept | Caloundra Regional Gallery

Printmaking with the sun

Create fun and funky pictures for your wall with 2024 Sunshine Coast National Art Prize finalist, Kalyanii Holden.

Award winning artist and Sunshine Coast National Art Prize 2024 Finalist, Kalyanii Holden, will guide you through some very simple techniques to make your very own artwork to take home.

Capture the energy of the sun and print images of found objects and nature onto paper.

Watch images form before your eyes creating fun and funky pictures for your wall. 

All materials supplied. 

Please note we have two age banded sessions:

Tweens Session 11-13 years

LocationDate and timeCostRegistration
Caloundra Regional GalleryTuesday 24 September, 10am–12pm$25Register
Teens Session  14+ years

LocationDate and timeCostRegistration
Caloundra Regional GalleryTuesday 24 September, 1pm–3pm$25Register

Limited places. Registration required.