Your Art and Your Rights – attend a free Arts Law seminar

If you are a professional or emerging creative or arts worker and want to learn more about the legal side of things, come along to a series of free Arts Laws and Professional Development seminars on Monday, April 10, presented by USC Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Council, Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance and the Arts Law Centre of Australia. 

Your Art and Your Rights – attend a free Arts Law seminar

If you are a professional or emerging creative or arts worker and want to learn more about the legal side of things, come along to a series of free Arts Laws and Professional Development seminars on Monday, April 10, presented by USC Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Council, Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance and the Arts Law Centre of Australia.

Each seminar will be presented by Suzanne Derry, senior solicitor at the Arts Law Centre of Australia.

Your Art and Your Rights – Arts Law Seminars

USC, Lecture Theatre 3, Building I - Monday, April 10

Copyright 101 for Artists, 2pm

Creating art means creating copyright. Learn about owning and using your copyright, knowing your moral rights, as well as creating copyright with other people. This session uses practical examples, case studies from artists’ experiences and hypothetical scenarios to help make copyright accessible and, dare we say, fun for creatives. This session is relevant to all creatives and artists across all art forms.

Contracts and Business Basics, 4pm

Being an artist often means being a business. In this session, look at some of the issues involved in engaging other creatives in your growing business including contracts and your legal responsibilities when doing business in Queensland. Get some guidance about business structuring and insurance, as well as some of the things to consider when using social media to engage your audience.

Legals for Writers – publishing deals and defamation, 6pm

Writing and publishing touch on many complex legal issues. Join Arts Law as we cover the basics of things to look out for in publishing contracts, copyright and your work, the online space and defamation law. This session is relevant to all writers.

Legals for Musicians – bands and co-writing, 7pm

Walking you through the legal issues around contracts to navigate to successful protection and marketing of your music. This workshop helps you understand your rights and how to deal with them in growing your music practice. We will cover what rights you have in your music, things to consider when you are performing in a band, and what to look out for in producer and publishing agreements. This workshop is relevant to all musicians, including solo artists and bands.

Bookings for seminars are essential. Register by emailing [email protected] or phone 5430 1127.

Sunshine Coast Council RADF [Regional Arts Development Fund] artist consults

Individual appointments will also be available for RADF artist development consultations between 11am and 1pm. Bookings are essential. Register by emailing [email protected] or phone 5430 1127.

Register by emailing [email protected] or phone 5430 1127.