Tropical Cyclone Alfred

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Seabastion Toast - People's Choice

Paddle Pool | 2023 | oil | 122 x 101cm

Sunshine Coast Art Prize 2023 - People's Choice

[Image courtesy of the artist]

Seabastian Toast | Paddle Pool | 2023 | oil | 122 x 101cm

$2,500 - Sponsored by Caloundra Chamber of Commerce

Artist Statement

This painting is a collage of suburban summer memories.

I am keenly interested in the marriage of figuration and abstraction and particularly the use of pattern, which can serve to either deepen or flatten parts of the pictorial space.  These distortions reflect the way memories take on a different form as they are imagined and reimagined over and over again.

I enjoy playing with the element of time when constructing a painting, both in terms of nostalgia, as well as how the painting is viewed.  Various aspects reveal themselves at different speeds so that a painting unfolds more like a piece of music or a poem. In today’s fast paced, “insta-flickering” world, to taking the time to spend with a painting, seems to be one of the most important things we can do.