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Chronicle sculpture conservation

Specialist conservation work one of our Public Art Collection works in the Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens is underway

Specialist conservation work one of our Public Art Collection works in the Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens is underway. Conservator Melanie Fihelly will be working on Chronical by Seung-Woo Hwang today and grateful that the weather is clear.

Chronicle was created in 2005 in Black and White Marble. Hwang is a graduate of the Carrara Academia Belle Arte, Italy and has a very high profile internationally and can be seen in a number of significant public commissions in Bahrain, Damascus, Korea, Australia, Norway, Spain and the UAE.

His themes often include paper and the related culture focused on the importance of communication and the accumulation of knowledge.

"In this work I am talking about our memories and the passage of time. This sculpture asks people including myself to remember the Human situation. I am seeking love, peace, reconciliation and harmony which everyone wants but are missed by everyone." Seung-Woo Hwang

If you have not seen the wide collection of public artworks at the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden in Tanawha, take a wonder through the garden to explore and discover the diversity of creative expression is a sublime natural setting.

#sunshinecoastartcollection #publicartcollection #caloundraregionalgallery #publicart #maroochyregionalbushlandbotanicgardens #mrbbg